August 5 Council Meeting Response

Official Statement of Mayor Bianca Motley Broom

College Park, I realize Monday’s council meeting may have been difficult to attend or watch online because it was hard for me. First, I apologize on behalf of my colleagues, as your governing body, for the lack of progress and failure to vote on key issues affecting our community.

As the leader of this city, I understand the importance of addressing what transpired, and I will continue to advocate for transparency and dialogue. My actions were driven by my commitment to voice the concerns I've heard from you.

At Monday's meeting, a motion was made to place eleven items on a consent agenda. According to the Georgia Municipal Association’s Handbook for Mayors and Councilmembers, a consent agenda can be a useful tool when a governing body has a lot of business to cover. It typically includes noncontroversial items or those previously discussed and needing final approval, such as permit issuances, street closures, or bill authorizations. While a consent agenda can save time, it should never be used to bypass public participation or stifle open dialogue.

We regularly utilized consent agendas in 2023. The items on the consent agenda were part of the workshop session for discussion and then approved in the regular meeting. Any member of the body could pull an item off of the consent agenda in the regular session for individual consideration. This process ensured each elected official understood the business at hand before a vote. You should expect – and indeed insist on – this level of careful examination of the issues from the people who represent you. Our community deserves nothing less.

On Monday night, the council’s use of a consent agenda was different from our earlier precedent. As you may recall, my colleagues canceled our only scheduled meeting for July (we traditionally skip the first meeting in July in observance of Independence Day). Because we had not met as a governing body for seven weeks, we had an extremely lengthy agenda for Monday's meeting. Without prior notice to the community or an opportunity for discussion during the workshop session, nearly one-third of the agenda items were grouped together for a single vote at the beginning of the regular session. Because of how the meeting ended, I have concerns about the validity of the votes (if any) that took place. Nevertheless, I am confident we will return to finish the city’s business, no matter what it takes.

College Park, I will continue to work tirelessly on your behalf because free and open dialogue is fundamental to a healthy democracy. Regardless of the challenges we may face, my commitment to you remains unwavering, and my dedication to transparency and accountability remains strong.

Please contact me directly at any time. Together, we will overcome our challenges and build the College Park we all deserve – a city that celebrates its diversity and is marked by its strength, fairness, unity, and unwavering community spirit.

Thank you, as always, for your continued trust and support.


8/9/2024 Special Called Meeting Agenda Packet


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