January 2, 2024 Council Meeting

You’ll see below the agenda for our first meeting of 2024. I’ve added information from the council agenda memos and background on items that may be of particular interest. You can watch the meeting on the city’s Facebook or YouTube pages. Because of the New Year’s holiday, we’re meeting on the first Tuesday of the year. Typically our meetings are on the first and third Mondays of the month. Workshop session begins at 6:00 pm; regular session begins at 7:30 pm.

There is only one item on Tuesday’s workshop session. Our city manager, Stanley Hawthorne, will lead a discussion of the new organizational chart and our department directors will talk about their roles. Since we have two new council members joining for their first meeting, this is a good time for the conversation.

You can access the entire agenda packet here.


1. Opening Ceremonies.

A. Pledge of allegiance to the flag.

B. Invocation.

2. Additions, Deletions, Amendments, Or Changes To The Agenda

3. Approval of Agenda

4. Presentation Of Minutes Of City Council

A. Approval of Regular Session Minutes dated November 6, 2023

B. Approval of Workshop Session Minutes dated November 6, 2023

C. Approval of Special Called Meeting Session Minutes dated September 27, 2023

5. Proclamations, Resolutions, Plaques, Announcements

A. Ambrose Clay

B. Ken Allen

C. Jamelle McKenzie for Chaplain Program

D. Employee All-Star of the Month

6. Remarks Of Citizens

7. Annual Appointment

A. Mayor Pro-Tem for 2024 - Last year, Councilmember Ambrose Clay held this post.

B. Pension Board - Last year, I served on the Pension Board with Councilmembers Joe Carn and Roderick Gay.

C. Clayton County Municipal Association - Last year, Councilmember Ken Allen held this post.

D. South Fulton Municipal Association - Last year, I held this post.

E. Electric Cities of Georgia Voting Delegates - Last year, I held this post.

F. City Legal Organ – Clayton County Daily News and South Fulton Neighborhood News - These are the newspapers where we publish official notices.

G. City Physicians

H. Appointments for Mayor - Business Industrial Development Authority (BIDA), Keep College Park Beautiful, Destination Marketing Organization (DMO)

I. Appointment for Ward 1 - Business Industrial Development Authority (BIDA), Keep College Park Beautiful, Destination Marketing Organization (DMO)

J. Appointment for Ward 3 - Business Industrial Development Authority (BIDA), Keep College Park Beautiful, Destination Marketing Organization (DMO)

8. Other Business

A. Motion to approve the Atlanta Track Club to hold the Jerome Scales Southside 5 mile & 5k on January 20, 2024, at the College Park MARTA Station from 7:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

This would be the second year for this race. The event starts at the College Park Marta Station, goes through the City of East Point, and circles back through College Park. There is no cost to the City.

B. Motion to approve annual contract renewal with The Emory Clinic to provide Medical Director Services to the City of College Park Fire and Rescue Department at a cost of $25,000.

Our Fire and Rescue Department is required by the State of Georgia to respond and provide emergency care under the license of a physician. Through negotiation, we have been able to keep the fee at $25,000 and avoid yearly increases.

C. Motion to approve a Citywide Certification Incentive Pay Policy for all full-time employees.

The purpose of this policy is to encourage its employees to participate in advanced training and education. Employees would not be able to receive more than three (3) certification incentives within a fiscal year.

The proposed incentives are as follows:

Professional Certifications: 5%

Professional Licensure: 5%

Associate’s Degree: 2%

Bachelor’s Degree: 3%

Master’s Degree: 4%

Doctorate Degree: 5%

Military Veteran: 5%

D. Motion to approve employee holiday bonus.

The recommendation is to provide a one-time incentive bonus of $1,000 to approximately 390 full-time employees and $500 to approximately 43 part-time employees. The total cost for full-time employees would be $397,684, and for part-time employees, it would amount to $23,144.75. The overall cost, including applicable taxes, is $420,828.75. This is not a budgeted item.

E. Motion to set a Public Hearing date for January 16, 2024 for a Conditional Use Permit for 1579 Vesta Avenue.

This is only to set the public hearing. The applicant currently holds a Type I Business License to operate a home-based office business. The applicant is proposing an addition to the existing one-story residential unit to provide for a second-floor arts and crafts studio.

F. Motion to approve first amendment to the agreement with Clean Energy.

The City entered into an agreement with Clean Energy in 2008 to provide a compressed natural gas (CNG) station to be located on City owned property on Edison Drive. The City receives a royalty payment, paid quarterly, for $.05 per gasoline gallon equivalent (GGE) of natural gas pumped at the station, or $1000 per month minimum. Since 2008, the City has received over $300,000 in royalty payments and currently receives around $4000 per month. The station also consumes $14,000 per month in electric energy usage. The amendment to the agreement will double the royalty payments to $.10 per GGE or $2000 per month minimum. This new amendment shall automatically renew under the same terms and conditions for up to thirty (30) full calendar years unless either party gives notice of cancellation to the other party at least six (6) months prior to such renewal date.

G. Motion to approve the purchase of two trucks for the Building and Property Sustainability Department’s Divisions of Code Enforcement and Building Inspections for the sum total of $48,510 from Wade Ford of Smyrna Vinings.

The quotes for the vehicles come from Wade Ford, which has a contract with the State of Georgia. We are able to get the same pricing as the State. The two vehicles are critical for timely and efficient response to inspection requests and code investigations. These are budgeted items.

H. Motion to approve the increase of budget allocated to the installation of Speed Tables by $21,481.70 to S.H Creel Contracting for the addition of two Speed Tables not envisioned in the original scope of work.

On June 14, 2023, the City Council approved a motion to introduce new speed tables within Ward 4 for $25,500. In October, as the project was being initiated, the contractor alerted the City that due to inflation and rising material costs, the original budget needed to be adjusted. Consequently, the original budget was increased by $3,805 to $29,305.

Later in the year, in response to the escalating concerns regarding speeding and traffic issues, staff undertook an investigation on two specific locations along Rugby Avenue covering the stretch between 2228 and 2229 Rugby Avenue. Staff also determined that a modification of the existing speed bumps on Herschel Road, positioned behind 2561 Skyline Drive, was necessary to address the noise concerns raised by neighbors. The incorporation of these changes into the project increased the budget by $21,481.70, with the breakdown as follows:

1. Modification of Existing Speed Hump and Installation of a Speed Table behind 2561 Skyline Drive on Herschel Road: $11,731.70

2. Installation of a New Speed Table at 2229 Rugby Ave: $9,750.00

Staff proposes using funds from the Transportation Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (TSPLOST) fund for this item.

I. Motion to approve purchase of 15 new vehicles and related services for the Police Department based on final quote tabulations previously approved by Mayor and Council with quotes from Motorola Solutions, Wade Ford, and Dana Safety Supply in the amount of $978,506.70.

The Police Department is requesting to purchase fifteen (15) new vehicles from Wade Ford for $745,950 and utilize Dana Safety Supply for upfitting. Upfitting, also known as vehicle outfitting, is a comprehensive process that involves installing commercial vehicle accessories to meet the department's specific needs, including wrapping the fifteen (15) vehicles priced at $144,112.20. Lastly, fifteen Motorola Solutions radios will be installed to include programming and installation at a cost of $88,444.50. The quotes from Motorola Solutions, Wade Ford, and Dana Safety Supply total $978,506.70. All quotes are based on state contracts. These are budgeted items.

J. Motion to approve Kemi Construction Company Inc. for emergency repair of a water main break at 4848 Old National Highway/Waffle House.

A water main break was discovered at 4848 Old National Highway in November 2023. The main break was causing a sinkhole on Old National. This project was completed in November 2023. The cost of this project requires a budget amendment and will be funded by the Municipal Option Sales Tax (MOST) Fund Account.

K. Motion to approve Kemi Construction Company Inc. for emergency sanitary sewer point repair of the 8-inch water main and tapping valve at Harvard Avenue and Jefferson Street in the amount of $35,650.

The existing sanitary sewer main that is made from concrete had a sink hole on Jefferson Street. Testing confirmed the sanitary sewer main needed to be replaced immediately to prevent a sinkhole from expanding into the street. This project was completed in November 2023. The cost of this project requires a budget amendment and will be funded by the MOST.

L. Motion to Approve Kemi Construction Company proposal for the Sanitary Sewer Main installation at SR Georgia, 314, West Fayetteville Road, Phoenix Boulevard approximately $700,000.00.

The sewer main that was originally constructed to service State Road Georgia (SR GA) 314 and Phoenix Boulevard has become obstructed and not suitable for optimal performance. Inspection revealed that the entire section of the 8" West Fayetteville sanitary sewer pipe, extending towards Phoenix Boulevard, had collapsed. Wastewater infrastructure includes a network of sewer pipes that collect and carry household, business, and industrial waste to the a lift station. The proposed sanitary sewer main replacement is needed to serve College Park neighbors. The cost of this project will be funded by the MOST.

M. Motion to approve Jewel of The South Inc. for the emergency relocation of the sanitary sewer main at 3338 Myrtle Street in the amount of $32,165.

The sanitary sewer main located on the property of 3338 Myrtle Street has become obstructed and was not suitable for use. This line needed to be replaced and relocated to Myrtle Street to better to serve College Park neighbors. This project was completed on November 9, 2023. The cost of this project will be funded by the MOST.

N. Motion to Approve the Intergovernmental Agreement for the provision of Animal Control Services between the County of Fulton, Georgia and the City of College Park, Georgia.

Fulton County recently opened a new Animal Services Facility off of Fulton Industrial Boulevard. This project — combined with cost increases to run the animal services program over the past several years that have not been passed on to the cities — is resulting in an increase to our annual contribution. Effective January 1, 2024, our estimated annual contribution is $49,572.

O. Motion to approve the City’s list of designated streets to be submitted to the Georgia Department of Transportation under the 2024 Local Maintenance Improvement Grant Resurfacing Program.

Every year, the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) allows municipalities to participate in the Local Maintenance Improvement Grant (LMIG) program. Staff, with input from council, makes recommendations about streets to be resurfaced with these limited funds. The proposed streets are as follows:

1. College Street from Rugby Ave to Lyle Ave (Ward 1)

2. Northwest Drive from Airport Drive to Global Gateway Conn (Ward 2)

3. West Point Ave from Lee Street to Lesley Drive (Ward 3)

4. Mount Vernon Way from Williamsburg Drive to Fredricksburg Drive (Ward 4)

5. Conley Street from Harvard Ave to Princeton Ave (Ward 1)

P. Motion to approve Midwest Municipal Services, LLC as the designated collection agency for managing and collecting delinquent utility accounts on behalf of the City of College Park Customer Service.

Currently, the City of College Park contracts with Life Quest Services for various services, including the collection of delinquent utility account payments. While Life Quest Services offers valuable Emergency Medical Services EMS/Fire billing services to ambulance service providers and collection services for municipalities, they have struggled to achieve satisfactory recovery rates for the City's delinquent utility accounts. Their lack of specialization and experience in the utility sector has resulted in a minimal recovery rate of just 0.0005% for our delinquent utility accounts.

By transitioning to Midwest Municipal Services, LLC, the Customer Service Division believes it can significantly enhance the recovery of delinquent utility account payments. Midwest Municipal Services, LLC has a proven track record and can potentially achieve recovery rates of up to 32% for all referred accounts. MMS will receive twenty-two percent (22%) of any amount recovered of any claim. The solicitation was advertised from September 22, 2023 through October 24, 2023 at 10:00 am (EST), communicating with a minimum 159 minority and non-minority representatives.

The expected impact of selecting Midwest Municipal Services, LLC as our new collection agency is a projected monthly recovery of approximately $20,000 in delinquent utility account payments owed to the City of College Park.

Q. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2023-22 authorizing the City Manager to execute a Lease-Purchase Agreement with Truist Financial Corporation to finance the acquisition of one 800-HPR-ECO Services IV Mounted High-Pressure Sewer Jet-Vac Truck.

R. Motion to approve the purchase of model 800 High Pressure Sewer Cleaner Equipment Series IV Jet-vac Truck from Jet-Vac Equipment Company, LLC in the amount of $264,438,01.

Agenda items 8Q and 8R are two part of the same issue. On November 13, 2023, the City issued a solicitation for the 5-year lease-purchase for one 800-HPR-ECO Services IV Mounted High-Pressure Sewer JetVac Truck. Each financial institution was asked to provide a financial proposal for this vehicle no later than November 16, 2023 for review. Truist responded with the best interest rate of 5.42%.

The city’s current equipment has experienced many deficiencies. Extensive repairs have been made to the unit’s pump and engine. This unit is not working at an adequate level. The current deficiencies in the pressure of the unit prevent the Water and Sewer staff from making numerous attempts to unclog blockages in the City’s sanitary sewer main.

S. Motion to approve purchase of replacement data backup appliance for City servers and user files from Surelock Technology in the amount of $101,000.

(This item is labled as 8T in the packet.) The City’s current backup equipment has reached its storage limits and is receiving alerts and warnings about losing files if we do not upgrade the equipment. After extensive research, staff has recommended the new backup equipment through Surelock Technology. This purchase will fix the critical backup issue immediately with adequate space for future growth along with greater security for backup data. The funding for this backup equipment will require a budget amendment of $60,000, as previously recommended in the First Quarter Budget Review, coupled with previously budgeted funds of $41,000 for the total of $101,000.

T. Motion to extend on-call and general engineering services contract with Prime Engineering Inc. and authorize a purchase order in the amount of $224,000.

(This item is labeled as 8S in the packet.) During the period without a City Engineer, the City relied on engineering consultancy services, particularly from Prime Engineering Inc. The current contract for engineering services with Prime Engineering was entered in 2019 and needs to be updated. Prime Engineering Inc. plays a pivotal role in reviewing Land Disturbance Permits—a responsibility demanding State certifications currently unavailable within our staff. Additionally, they provide crucial general engineering services support, Geographic Information System (GIS) services, and construction inspection services. Staff is requesting a total of $218,000; $98,000 is earmarked to settle outstanding invoices, while the remaining $120,000 is allocated for on-call and general engineering services for the remainder of the fiscal year. This would require a budget amendment to fully fund the request.

U. Motion to approve expenditure as a task order under existing on-call contract in an amount not to exceed $50,000 to authorize Prime Engineering Inc. to perform an ALTA (American Land Title Association) survey, updated topographic survey, and utility locate services for Six West residential district.

An ALTA (American Land Title Association) survey is a specialized boundary survey of a property that adheres to the standards developed by the American Land Title Association (ALTA) and the National Society of Professional Surveyors (NSPS). An ALTA survey includes any easements, public rights-of-way and/or any other additions or deletions to property within a site’s boundary. It shows much of the development constraints that may exist on the property. An ALTA survey is needed, but has not yet been performed, for the Six West residential district. Stream Realty Partners, the real estate broker and a key technical advisor for the sale of Six West, has strongly advised for the need for an ALTA survey for the Six West residential district, as well as an updated topographic survey and utility locate services.

Without these items, it will be challenging to vet the viability of offers received and site plans for the residential site. If the site is put under contract without an ALTA survey being provided to a prospective buyer, it would introduce a material amount of “re-trade” risk late in the process as the buyer conducts due diligence. “Re-trade” means that a buyer under contract would seek a change of terms – including a reduced purchase price – based on findings during the due diligence period. The City has an on-call service contract with Prime. The firm has done extensive work on the site previously. This would be separate from the engineering support services outlined in 8T.

9. City Attorney’s Report.

10. City Manager's Report

11. Report Of Mayor And Council.

12. Adjournment.


Our Second Term