My Commitment to College Park: Response to the City Council’s Censure

Official Statement of Mayor Bianca Motley Broom

College Park, I want to address the recent statement released by the City Council regarding my censure and the constituents' responses during the Special Called Meeting on August 9. This censure is deeply troubling but utterly lacking in authority under our charter. As your mayor, I swore to uphold the rule of law and ensure that our city's governance is transparent, fair, and accountable. During the meeting, I made several efforts to calm tensions and encourage constructive dialogue among concerned constituents. However, the frustrations expressed by many of you highlight the deep concerns about how our elected officials have been operating.

As I have consistently emphasized, I do not agree with the assertions made in the censure. The characterizations of my conduct as "petulant" or "belligerent" are gross misrepresentations of my actions and are not supported by the video evidence from the meetings themselves. My focus has always been, and will continue to be, on advocating for transparency, accountability, and the best interests of our community. This commitment was evident during the August 5 City Council Meeting, ultimately leading to the censure.

Friends, you have a fundamental right to voice your opinions and concerns to your elected officials in a public forum. This right is protected under Georgia's Open Meetings Act, which ensures that government actions are conducted in an open and transparent manner. The decision to remove the public from the August 9 Special Called Meeting violated these principles and, quite possibly, state law.

Additionally, actions that limit civic discourse, such as removing comments on public social media platforms, can stifle the diverse voices that make our city strong. The First Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees the right to free speech, which is essential to the healthy functioning of our democracy. We must all work together to ensure every voice is heard, fostering a community where open dialogue and productive feedback are welcomed and valued.

I want to thank everyone who continues to engage with our local government. Your involvement is vital to our democratic process. I urge our whole community—including my colleagues on the City Council—to focus on finding constructive ways to participate in city matters that don't detract from the important work we need to accomplish together. The reality is that we have no choice but to figure out how to collaborate effectively; our city depends on it.

Despite our challenges, I remain hopeful we can find our way back to focusing on the mission that truly matters—the people’s work. Our residents deserve a healthy and productive government that works for them, and I am committed to ensuring that we achieve this together.

Thank you for your continued trust and support as we work to build the community we deserve.


8/19/2024 Meeting Preview


8/9/2024 Special Called Meeting Agenda Packet